Ghana’s presidency, Flagstaff House and its lawmaking chamber will soon be depending on solar energy as a source of power.

Despite their stated commitment to democratic processes, the Government of Ghana and international authorities presume the accountability and ability of NGOs to represent local interests in forest resource management. This article scrutinises elite formation and elite capture through the case of a Community Resource Management Area (CREMA) in western Ghana. NGOs and the forestry department promotes commercial tree planting on farmlands at this CREMA site.

All major agencies intervening in community-based and carbon forestry – such as international development agencies, conservation institutions, and national governments – state that their interventions must engage local participation in decision making. All say they aim to represent local people in the design and implementation of their interventions. In practice, decision-making processes are rarely 'free', barely 'prior' poorly 'informative' and seldom seek any form of democratic 'consent' or even 'consultation'.

WWF Forest and Climate is pleased to share preliminary materials from a forthcoming report on lessons learned from Jurisdictional Approaches to Zero-Deforestation, including the executive summary and a video introduction.

Entrepreneurs are finding profits turning human waste into fertiliser, fuel and even food.

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The world’s chocolate industry is driving deforestation on a devastating scale in West Africa, the Guardian can reveal.

This working paper addresses the following question: are climate change-related expenditures starting to appear in national budgets to secure the early implementation of countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)?

The two countries have agreed to exchange ideas as well as resources in agro processing

Groundnut farmers in the Northern, Upper East and Upper West regions now have the opportunity to select from three newly improved varieties to boost production and improve income.

More efforts are needed, particularly by the government to curb the spate of malnutrition in Ghana and other parts of Africa, an international report has recommended.
