In this report the committee has examined the medium and the long term (up to 2031-32) demand


Before the Deluge>> Coping with Floods in Climate Change

there has been a long-standing debate on whether organic agriculture can ensure global food security. Even some advocates of organic are not sure about this. A recent study claims organic farming

Green buildings in the US have two sets of standards to choose from: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) set by the US Green Building Council, or Green Globes developed by the Green Building Initiative. The former is widely followed not just in the US, but also in other parts of the world.

Estimates show that India will produce 180 million tonnes (mt) of steel by 2020. Consumption of stainless steel has risen 14 per cent in the last 15 years in the country

a student group in Iran has recently produced a computer game that is a clever mix of the standoff over their country's nuclear programme, the mystery of missing diplomats in Lebanon and Iran's

Video games have long been a controversial subject among critics, consumers and parents. They have been accused of desensitising children to violence and emphasising that violent behaviour is

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has initiated a study entitled

This WWF report seeks to answer the question: "Is it technically possible to meet the growing global demand for energy by using clean and sustainable energy sources and technologies that will protect the global climate?' In other words, can a concerted shift to the sustainable energy resources and technologies that are available today meet the more than doubling of global energy demand projected by 2050, while avoiding dangerous climatic change of more than two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels?.
