Nanotechnologies offer an economical way to make water potable

The early civilisations have conventionally been regarded as products of human ingenuity. Of course, favourable geographical conditions also made a difference. But they just might be fortuitous

Climate Change

Big hydropower projects are poised to re-enter the good books of the World Bank (wb) and the Asian Development Bank (adb). In the early 1990s, the wb had stopped funding the Sardar Sarovar Project

India will host the second International Rice Congress from October 9-13 in New Delhi. This is the most important event in the calendar of rice research since the International Year of Rice in 2004.


The recovery of the depleted ozone layer may take 5-15 years more than that estimated earlier, says a recent study. It found that the regeneration of the protective layer will be pushed back from

Just imagine

tiny particles called aerosols found in smoke and most types of air pollution can increase or decrease the cloud cover, claims a study conducted in the us. Whether aerosols stop or assist cloud

A shift to public transport should avert the energy crisis
