This publication by the Programme for the Promotion of Household and Alternative Energy sources in the Sahel (PREDAS) is a summary of a series of surveys and analyses conducted in the Sahelian countries of Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Chad.

Breast milk is better than formula food, even with toxins SEVEN and a half months old Aashirya is healthy. She is less likely to fall sick or put on excessive weight as she grows up. This is because her parents are staunch believers of breastfeeding. Vineet Tyagi, her paediatrician father, and her mother, who is a dentist, decided to keep Aashirya on breast milk exclusively for the first six

The dossiers submitted by Mahyco in support of their application for commercialisation of genetically modified (GM) Bt brinjal raise serious concerns. Bt brinjal has been modified to produce an unknown chimeric insecticide toxin containing Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac modified sequences.

Electric lighting has become an integral part of modern society. When such light is inefficient, annoying, or unnecessary, it is known as light pollution. Many environmentalists, naturalists, and medical researchers consider light pollution to be one of the fastest growing and most pervasive forms of environmental pollution.

The environmental clearance offered to the Koodankulam reactors in Tamil Nadu is not based upon a careful examination of all the potential impacts on the environment and livelihoods nor does it incorporate public concerns.

Bathinda: In its tourism development master plan report submitted to the Government last month, the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (WTO) has warned that the perception of health risks due to dirt and pollution could spoil state

Safety in nuclear power plants (NPPs) in India is a very important topic and it is necessary to dissipate correct information to all the readers and the public at large. In this article, I have briefly described how the safety in our NPPs is maintained. Safety is accorded overriding priority in all the activities.

Pollutant keeps the iodine in breast milk from babies a common pollutant called perchlorate may be the reason behind iodine deficiency disorders among children, said a group of us researchers. Infants get their required dose of iodine from breast milk. Theories have linked iodine deficiency among infants to two factors: one, if the mother is undernourished and iodine-deficient, and two,

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The public outcry about anticipated accidents and health hazards due to Higher Voltage Overhead Electricity Transmission Lines coming out from a 6.5 mega watt capacity mini hydroelectricity project that crosses through six-far-flung densely populated villages of Branwar belt of Budgam district has no takers in the governor's administration.
