The revised international health regulations offer a framework that can be used by host countries to organise public health activities for mass gatherings. From June 8, to July 1, 2012, Poland and Ukraine jointly hosted the Union of European Football Associations European Football Championship Finals (Euro 2012). More than 8 million people from around the world congregated to watch the games.

This mapping study, which examines the role of higher education in contributing to climate resilient development pathways, is the first of its kind in southern Africa, and in Africa more widely.

This review overviews the climate-change-related disclosures from public companies to institutional investors. The report presents key findings and responses provided by S&P 500 companies across economic sectors to the risk-related questions in CDP’s annual disclosure requests from 2011 to 2013.

Graphic warnings (GWs) on cigarette packs are widely used internationally and perhaps will be in the US but their impact is not well understood. This study tested support for competing hypotheses in different subgroups of young adults defined by their history of cigarette smoking and individual difference variables (e.g., psychological reactance). One hypothesis predicted adaptive responding (GWs would lower smoking-related intentions) and another predicted defensive responding (GWs would raise smoking-related intentions).

Pune : Realising that predicting the southwest monsoon is not enough by itself, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) is now pushing for agromet advisories so that a contingency plan can be put

Ebola virus disease (formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever) is a severe, often fatal illness, with a death rate of up to 90%. The illness affects humans and nonhuman primates (monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees).

India ranks 102nd , below Bangladesh (99th) and Sri Lanka (85th) on this global index of social development that ranks countries by social and environmental performance. This index was released by US-based non-profit Social Progress Imperative at the Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship on 3 April 2014.

This Congress manifesto titled 'Your voice, our pledge' released for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections focuses on inclusive growth, agriculture, education and health.

This new policy released by the Government of Tamil Nadu is designed to facilitate new biotech companies to come to the state by creating an enabling environment. Read the text.

A set of Guidelines on ‘Integrating science into humanitarian and development planning and practice to enhance community resilience’ has been developed by Melanie Duncan at University College London in collaboration with a number of contributors.
