Neonicotinoids currently dominate the insecticide market as seed treatments on Canada’s major Prairie crops (e.g., canola). The potential impact to ecologically significant wetlands in this dominantly agro-environment has largely been overlooked while the distribution of use, incidence and level of contamination remains unreported.

Yellow rust and aphid have attacked wheat crop in the district.

After the first case of yellow rust was detected in Ratangarh village last month, the disease has now affected over 300 acres of the crop. Besides yellow rust, aphid insect has also attacked the crop.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has generated a country-wide ‘public health alert’ to stop the use of substandard insecticides, fearing that the WHO-approved products will no longer be effectiv

The vegetable accounts for the largest use of insecticides.

Standing Committee on Chemicals and Fertilizers (2012-13), present this Thirty-Sixth Report on the subject 'Production and Availability of Pesticides' of the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers (Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals).

The village looks as if the grim reaper paid a surprise visit. One can still hear the faint cries of wailing mothers.

The case of Dr Savita Halappanavar, who died in Ireland following pregnancy complications, was referred to in the council on Monday during the debate on the ill-effects of endosulfan in the coastal

GUWAHATI: The authorities of Rajiv Gandhi Orang National Park, about 150 km from here, said a highly toxic insecticide called "organophosphorous" was used in killing three tigers in February this y

Dutch research reveals correlation between water polluted with imidacloprid and low numbers of aquatic insects

This study presents the findings of research into the global socio-economic and environmental impact of genetically modified (GM) crops in the sixteen years since they were first commercially planted on a significant area.
