As major economies grappling with financial slowdown and uncertainty over returns from green projects, private equity (PE) investments in clean technology projects have almost halved this year.

An emerging coalition is implementing carbon trading despite political obstacles. It is rewriting the map of climate diplomacy, says Michael Grubb.

Abandon coal, price carbon consumption and look to new technologies for a lasting solution to global emissions, argues Dieter Helm.

Commitments made under the Kyoto climate treaty expire at the end of 2012, but emissions are rising faster than ever.

With climate talks inching along, gains in energy efficiency could slow the rise in emissions. (Editorial)

Pressing on the key issue at the 12-day annual parley, poorer countries called on the EU to shore up the Kyoto Protocol.

The United States resisted pledging steeper cuts in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 on Monday despite calls by poor nations at the start of a U.N conference for tougher action to avert storms, dro

Despite mounting alarm about climate change, almost 200 nations meeting in Doha from Monday are likely to pay little more than lip service to the need to rein in rising greenhouse gas emissions.

On the first day of climate change talks here, India joined hands with China and other developing countries, including the small island states and the least developed countries (LDCs), to put rich

Doha: The Indian negotiating team in Doha will not be looking to score any big victories at the climate negotiations starting on Monday but to ensure that it does not lose ground.
