Our planet faces multiple and complex challenges in the 21st century. The new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development commits the international community to act together to surmount them and transform our world for today’s and future generations.

Severe malnutrition among males is higher in Ghatkopar, and among females, it is higher in Kalwa.

Calling attention to the nearly 800 million chronically undernourished people and over two billion with micronutrient deficiencies, the United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2015 the start

Social Affairs Minister Haim Katz is implementing a long-gestating program aimed at providing nutritional security for the estimated 110,000 Israeli families (over 400,000 individuals) who are livi

Washington, D.c.

A new study revealed that over 640 million people globally are considered to be obese, now outnumbering people who are considered to be underweight.

Despite significant progress the world continues to bear a triple burden of malnutrition. These three burdens are related, but distinctly different, problems: energy deficiencies (hunger), micronutrient deficiencies (hidden hunger), and excessive net energy intake and unhealthy diets overweight/obesity).

In the past 40 years, there has been a startling increase in the number of obese people worldwide—rising from 105 million in 1975 to 641 million in 2014, according to the most comprehensive analysi

As the world’s urban population continues to grow, health inequities - especially between the richest and poorest urban populations - are a persistent challenge according to this new report by WHO and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).

Kampala — At least four million Ugandans are food insecure and even those who have food, don't eat in a balanced manner, a report released by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (F
