Tribal communities of Baran district have been able to regain their food sovereignty by preserving local seeds. The women groups have revived their traditional seed storage techniques to preserve seeds in the seed banks. Seed banks have provided assured access to seeds even during the times of drought.
By gaining critical control over seeds rural women have recovered traditional landraces and biodiversity in agriculture. Initiatives such as Alternative PDS and Food Sovereignty Trust by Deccan Development Society have not only ensured heightened access to food and nutrition but have also empowered women by strengthening their leadership abilities.
Vidarbha village looks for options other than suicide At a time when the traditional cropping pattern of suicide-ravaged Vidarbha has all but disappeared under the lure of quick cash from soybean, a tiny village of 48 farming households in Maharashtra
An attempt was made to investigate the influence of different doses of nitrogen on growth and yield of pearlmillet under irrigated and non-irrigated in semi-arid region of Delhi with an aim to determine the optimum levels of N under two different moisture situations (irrigated and non-irrigated).
Nutrition rich: Member of Parliament M.S.Swaminathan launches the Ragi Malt of Kolli Hills at a function in M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai on Tuesday.
Various efforts are on to popularise the use of millets. Farmers are realising the need for incorporating millets into their cropping system, writes Anitha Pailoor
This paper reviews recent evidence on food intake and nutrition in India. It attempts to make sense of various puzzles, particularly the decline of average calorie intake during the last 25 years. This decline has occurred across the distribution of real per capita expenditure, in spite of increases in real income and no long-term increase in the relative price of food. One hypothesis is that calorie requirements have declined due to lower levels of physical activity or improvements in the health environment.
Is rising food price making you shrink your dinner spread? Don't. Why not try your hand at some millet recipes? That may not only bring down your food budget, but also enhance the nutritional value
Underlying objective of food security programme in India is to ensure the availability of foodgrains to the common people at an affordable price. The PDS system in India is based on the wheat and rice model, which in many areas were never the staple grains for household consumption. It was millets and pulses which were core to dryland farming and consumption in the country.