The Countdown to 2015 for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Survival initiative monitors coverage of priority interventions to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) for reduction of maternal and child mortality. We aimed to report on 68 countries which have 97% of maternal and child deaths worldwide, and on 22 interventions that have been proven to improve maternal, newborn, and child survival.

Mother Dairy is expanding its probiotic portfolio with the launch of Nutrifit, a fermented probiotic milk. The company, which is eyeing a slice of the wellness market, said its manufacturing facility at Pilkhua, in Uttar Pradesh, will achieve 100 per cent capacity utilisation in two years' time. The facility can produce up to five million bottles a day. "The successful launch of our b-Activ probiotic curd and lassi showed that Indians are ope n to healthier eating options.

Growing human population, rising per capital income and increasing urbanization are fuelling rapid growth in the demand for food and animal origin in developing countries. India possesses of the largest livestock populations in the world. Contrary to the large population of livestock in India productivity of Indian livestock is low compared to many developing countries.

In India, thirty-five million people have diabetes—a number expected to more than double by 2025, disproportionately affecting working-age people. The economic impact of this increase could be devastating to India’s emerging economy. In this paper we discuss drivers of the epidemic, analyze current policies and practices in India, and conclude with recommendations, focusing on multisectoral and international collaboration. We see these recommendations as providing a blueprint for addressing diabetes in India by illuminating opportunities and barriers for policymakers and others.

Rice is known as the grain of life, and is synonymous with food for Asians. In addition to being a staple food and an integral part of social rites, rituals and festivals in almost all Asian countries, it has a medicinal value too, which was clearly recognized by the medicine systems of the region centuries ago. Rice is the main constituent of life-saving oral rehydration solutions (ORS) and has been used for this purpose since time immemorial.

it's believed that probiotics

A tv advert for Nutella has been withdrawn in the uk after the country's advertising watchdog ruled that it exaggerated the hazelnut spread's nutritional value. The commercial showed several

I am an ardent admirer of our union minister for Woman and Child Development. She has a mind of her own and I have seen men cringe in their seats when she gets going in her speeches.

It seems the state Government has made a total mess of the Central funds meant for children under the Supplementary Nutrition Programme (SNP).

How does one treat a malnourished child? Common sense suggests a proper meal. Not good enough, says the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development. Its prescription is supplying an 80-g
