In 1997, the Government of Mexico introduced a conditional cash transfer (CCT) program called Programa de Education, Salud, Y Alimentacion (Progresa), providing assistance to about 300, 000 extremely poor households. The essential premise of a CCT program is a cash transfer to households, conditioned on their participation in health, nutrition, and education services.

This report describes and analyses human development in the State of Tripura and its constituent districts and blocks. Tripura is a State of three million persons located in the North East of India and surrounded on three sides by Bangladesh.

The food consumption pattern in India is diversifying towards high value commodities. The decline in per capita consumption of cereals, in particular, coarse cereals, has worsened the nutritional status of the rural poor. On the basis of National Sample Survey data on dietary patterns and consumer expenditure, this article examines empirical evidence on the nature and extent of long-term changes in consumption patterns and nutritional status of various socio-economic groups at the household level in rural and urban India.

Aquatic vegetation is generally considered as nuisance plant communities which cause hindrance to aquaculture practice, resulting in the loss of aquaculture yields. Despite all these disadvantages, the importance of freshwater vegetation and their resources to human welfare can not be neglected rather invites attention too.

A UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) regional workshop on street food in Asia, held in Djakarta, Indonesia, in 1986, tried to define street food. It described a wide range of ready-to-eat food and beverages sold and sometimes prepared in public places, notably by the roadside. It stated that like fast food, the final preparation of street food occurs when the customer orders the meal.

If Punjab da puttar Maima Singh from Rathiya village near Patiala can eat fish, anyone can. Punjabis, who love their butter chicken and their mutton

It's quite well-known that indigenous communities share an intricate relationship with their environments. Their understanding of plants, also called ethnobotanical knowledge, is crucial to the

Judgement of the Delhi High Court on the decision of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) awarding contracts
for providing cooked mid-day meals to students of Primary schools in Delhi dated 08/06/2007.

This report has two overall general purposes. The first is to summarise, assess, and judge the most comprehensive body of evidence yet collected and displayed on the subject of food, nutrition, physical activity, body composition, and the risk of cancer, throughout the life-course.

This report presents the information on nutritional intake by the Indian population. Among the different nutrients only three nutrients: viz. calorie, protein and fat - are discussed in this report. This report gives an idea about intake of these nutrients in different monthly per capita expenditure classes from different items of food.
