Sri Lanka sets up carbon fund to acquire marketing edge sri lanka launched a Carbon Fund in June under a public-private partnership to encourage companies to get into businesses that would earn them carbon credits. B M S Batagoda, chief executive officer of the Carbon Fund, said the fund would bundle the carbon credits earned by small companies and sell them to international buyers who

Virendra Singh Rawat / Lucknow July 22, 2008, 0:10 IST

The Uttar Pradesh government is taking immediate steps for total privatisation of the beleaguered sugar sector in the state.

This move is aimed at ushering in operational efficiency, improve production, reduce non-performing assets (NPAs) and mitigate non-productive overheads running into several crores of rupees annually.

Indian policymakers are fascinated by Shanghai and they seek to develop Mumbai into another Shanghai. This vision is based entirely on the fascination with the Shanghai/Pudong skyline, without any substantive understanding of or facts about the growth in the Chinese city. True, there has been rapid growth in Shanghai, but most of this growth has been to the benefit of corporations (public sector and foreign controlled), little has gone to the city's households. Since the late 1990s, the poor of Shanghai have in fact seen a relative decline in incomes vis-

Bangalore, DHNS: Now, NREGS (National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme) beneficiaries can take up works in their private land too... Rural Development and Panchayat Raj department has taken the decision to allow works related to rain water harvesting and afforestation under the scheme in private land. Since the introduction of the scheme (Feb 2005), works were allowed only in the government land.

The paper examines the basic reasons and feasible remedies for organisational weakness in India's public transport systems and the possible contribution of ownership, industry and management structure, leadership, social norms, and institutional incentives to alleviating the weaknesses. The arguments are illustrated with reference to the public rail and air services and help to understand why some public sector transport undertakings have performed better than others. The most effective changes are those that create incentives, broadly defined, for individuals to improve productivity.

Creating Value for All: Strategies for Doing Business with the Poor is the new and groundbreaking report by the UN Development Programme. The first report of UNDP's Growing Inclusive Markets Initiative and the first one with such depth and local knowledge, Creating Value for All showcases 50 studies by researchers predominantly from developing countries.

Those of us who have some hope of remaining alive for the next 20 years will be very worried about the doomsday predictions for the environment. Looks like the world won't just be a hothouse, but a very bleak house

"There is widespread sense of outrage amongst the country's coastal communities,' says Harekrishna Debnath, chairperson of the National Fishworkers' Forum. The indignation stems from the loss of

Two pieces of legislation, which will impact millions of people displaced or threatened with displacement in the name of development, will soon come up for discussion in the monsoon session of

The main objectives of this report are: to illustrate that despite efforts to emphasize the importance of environmental health to poverty reduction and sustainable development in partner countries there has been limited success in countries placing environmental health issues that matter to the poor high on their development agendas; and to provide practical guidance on how to raise the profile o
