This paper reflects the existing management systems practiced in various areas of Nepal in managing solid waste and contains initiatives of municipalities; national and local NGOs/CBOs; public and private entities.

This strategic framework serves to guide and support the operational response of the World Bank Group (WBG) to new development challenges posed by global climate change. The WBG recognizes the very complex political process toward long-term cooperative action within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Significant business disruptions due to water scarcity

An ITTO-sponsored workshop starts a process aimed at improving India

Since Tata Motors has shifted the Nano project from Singur, the company will have to meet the cost of land acquisition, development and the police protection that was provided for two years. The state government should issue a global expression of interest to set up an automobile plant in the area

A government which believes that medical education and healthcare are best provided by the private sector is deliberately starving government hospitals of funds. Until a clear plan to ensure health for all is in place and the poor demand medical care as a fundamental right, public health services will remain skewed and unjust.

The real picture of the economy says, be grounded THE aviation industry in India has been hit directly by the rising fuel price and a slump economy. The Times of India reported there were 18.5 per cent fewer flyers this September compared to last September. It is obvious that all the private airlines that mushroomed over the past few years are in the worst kind of turbulence. Middle

The objectives of the Interceptor Sewerage System Project are to provide a commercially, technically viable and feasible solution on a priority basis that can be provided within a short span of time which is effective in lowering the pollution in Yamuna River and improving water quality making it best fit for the

For more than a century, humanity has started showing concern for the future of our planet. Natural resources like water reservoirs, forests, oil and gas fields have drawn attention of governments all over the world due to their limited capacity on the one hand and their rapid consumption on the other hand.

Planning for development in rapidly urbanizing Asia requires a fresh look. This book contrasts the urban development experiences and practices of the two giant countries in Asia: the People
