Epidemiologic studies have suggested that higher intake of added sugar is associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors. Few prospective studies have examined the association of added sugar intake with CVD mortality. The objective of the study was to examine time trends of added sugar consumption as percentage of daily calories in the United States and investigate the association of this consumption with CVD mortality.

Collaborative research efforts are emerging as a way to effectively address complex challenges such as adapting to climate change. Collaborations that span geographic, disciplinary and sectoral boundaries represent a divergence from traditional research approaches that may require new ways of working.

The purpose of the study was to summarize evidence about associations between fatty acids and coronary disease.

The 2010 Deepwater Horizon (MC252) disaster in the northern Gulf of Mexico released more than 4 million barrels of crude oil. Oil rose from the ocean floor to the surface where many large pelagic fish spawn. Here we describe the impacts of field-collected oil samples on the rapidly developing embryos of warm-water predators, including bluefin and yellowfin tunas and an amberjack. For each species, environmentally relevant MC252 oil exposures caused serious defects in heart development.

This new policy released by the Government of Tamil Nadu is designed to facilitate new biotech companies to come to the state by creating an enabling environment. Read the text.

Whereas adult salmon swimming upstream through a ladder visibly illustrates the challenge a dam presents to fish returning home to spawn, the downstream passage of juveniles swimming toward the ocean is often a greater, although more unseen, challenge to their survival. Decades of work have identified many factors that affect fish behavior near dams, but why downstream passage structures may work well at one dam but not at another is poorly understood.

Drinking fruit juice is potentially just as bad for you as drinking sugar-sweetened drinks because of its high sugar content, two medical researchers from the University of Glasgow have warned.

The evidence for a role of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) in the development of obesity and associated comorbid ities, although not fully resolved, is becoming increasingly convincing, with supporting data from both prospective cohort studies and randomised trials.

JNU study report on impact of mobile phone radiations - Question raised in Rajya Sabha, 06/02/2014.

Order of the High Court of Delhi in the matter of Roche Products (India) Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. Vs. Drugs Controller General Of India And Ors. dated 05/02/2014 regarding launching, introducing, selling, marketing and/or distributing the
defendants’ (Roche Products (India) Pvt. Ltd.) drugs, i.e. CANMAb and HERTRAZ or any other biosimilar version of Trastuzumab, in the Indian market.

Original Source: http://lobis.nic.in/dhc/MAN/judgement/06-02-2014/MAN05022014S3552014.pdf
