
Cytoskeleton plays a vital role in stress tolerance; however, involvement of intermediate flaments (IFs) in such a response remains elusive in crop plants.

India has among the highest lost years of life from micronutrient deficiencies. We investigate what dietary shifts would eliminate protein, iron, zinc and Vitamin A deficiencies within households’ food budgets and whether these shifts would be compatible with mitigating climate change. This analysis uses the National Sample Survey (2011–12) of consumption expenditure to calculate calorie, protein and the above micronutrient intake deficiencies and relate them to diets, income and location.

In this paper, use a case study approach to investigate the patterns of employment and income generation in cotton and rice value chains in Senegal and Benin.

This study evaluates the effectiveness of Sahbhagi Dhan as a drought-tolerant rice variety in India. The study used a randomized controlled trial to evaluate Sahbhagi Dhan by providing Sahbhagi Dhan seeds to randomly selected farmers in treatment villages in either 2012 or 2013.

CHENNAI: Rapid industrialisation during the last few centuries have increased greenhouse gas emissions, leading to global warming.

DAR ES SALAAM Tanzania (Xinhua) -- Tanzania and the European Union (EU) on Wednesday launched three rice projects in Tanzania aimed at increasing competitiveness and improving the post-harvest valu

A crop munching worm that can fly up to 100 km (60 miles) at night is spreading rapidly across Africa, threatening food production and the livelihoods of millions of farmers already struggling with

A new study reveals a rise in temperature could devastate rice yields in West Africa’s Sahel region

According to experts, no seed variety is to be used continuously for more than a decade
