Despite significant economic growth in Asia in recent decades, millions of people in rural Asia still lack access to electricity. A project has been implemented to develop small hybrid renewable energy systems in these areas. This publication highlights the experiences of these pilot projects in five developing member countries.

Sri Lanka has invited Petronet LNG to set up a liquid gas import terminal in that country, marking a major success for the Narendra Modi government's energy diplomacy and signalling India's emergen

IN POOR countries people are living longer and healthier lives than ever. Since 2000 child mortality has fallen by almost half. The rate of new HIV/AIDS infections has dropped by 40%.

Scorched by a 10-month drought that has killed crops and reduced residents to buying trucked-in water, Adigama's young people are voting with their feet.

This joint UNDP and Asia Development Bank report ‘Initial Assessment of Sri Lanka’s Power Sector – Electricity Generation through 100 per cent Renewable Energy’ describes the technical challenges to meet this ambitious 100 per cent renewables target and how this target could be financed.

Snakebite is a major problem affecting the rural poor in many of the poorest countries in the tropics. However, the scale of the socio-economic burden has rarely been studied. We undertook a comprehensive assessment of the burden in Sri Lanka.

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Simple mud concrete bricks provide the most affordable and sustainable houses in the tropics, a Sri-Lankan study suggests.

Plans to undertake a feasibility study and do the groundwork for the project

A severe drought followed by heavy rainfalls in Sri Lanka has hit large swaths of cropping areas, threatening the food security of some 900,000 people, according to a report published last week by
