India ranks 25th among 43 countries in the Asia-Pacific region

Noting India continued to suffer from low but improving levels of economic freedom, the latest Index of Economic Freedom ranked the nation 120th globally and 25th among 43 countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

The European Union is on course to approve cultivation of a new type of genetically modified maize for the first time in more than a decade, according to a draft proposal from the bloc's executive

EU car emissions fell 2.6 percent in 2012 from 2011, official figures showed on Wednesday, adding to a fierce Brussels debate on how quickly automakers can improve vehicle fuel efficiency.

Lithuania, holder of the EU presidency, has made a new proposal to weaken rules on how much carbon new cars can emit from 2020, in line with demands from Germany and its luxury manufacturers, EU di

A changing climate is increasing the frequency, intensity, duration and spatial extent of heat waves. These changes are associated with increased human mortality during heat extremes. At the other end of the temperature scale, it has been widely speculated that cold-related mortality could decrease in a warmer world. We aim to answer a key question; the extent to which mortality due to temperature extremes in Stockholm, Sweden during 1980–2009 can be attributed to climate change that has occurred since our reference period (1900–1929).

LAHORE, Sept 11: World Wide Fund for Nature-Pakistan’s (WWF-Pakistan) project on ‘City-Wide Partnership for Sustainable Water Use and Water Stewardship in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of Lah

Researchers have developed a new oral diarrhoea vaccine which in a clinical phase I-study has shown promising results to combat the disease that kills 300,000 children per year in the developing wo

Maternal smoking during pregnancy (SDP) seems associated with reduced birthweight in the offspring. This observation, however, is based on conventional epidemiological analyses, and it might be confounded by unobserved maternal characteristics related to both smoking habits and offspring birth weight. Therefore, we apply a quasi-experimental sibling analysis to revisit previous findings. Using the Swedish Medical Birth Register, we identified 677,922 singletons born between 2002 and 2010 from native Swedish mothers.

The Aland archipelago, part-way between Finland and Sweden, is the wind-swept setting for a legal spat over green energy subsidies with implications for the European Union as a whole.

The Arctic needs to be better protected from a rush for natural resources as melting ice makes mineral and energy exploration easier, the United Nations' Environment Programme (UNEP) said.
