UK panel endorses South's stand on intellectual property rights
Antibiotics in meat make disease causing bacteria resistant to cures
pushpesh pant rediscovers Amaranth once the poor man s grain, today an expensive health food
Can this tribal community in the Nilgiris survive the concrete trappings of civilisation? Tarun Chhabra on the eco friendly Todas
Of poverty, life in India has improved little over the past decade, reports the planning commission's National Human Development Report 2001
The biodiversity bill has the potential of challenging the much hated formal intellectual property rights system of the TRIPs
Kerala shows the way by going for a decentralised method to protect its unique biodiversity
Environment friendly farm policies will be the new paradigm
The Biodiversity Bill to empower local communities under scrutiny of parliamentary standing committee
An organisation in Mumbai documents the presence of dyeing pigments in microbes and plants
Forfeiting our commons
The Lancet’s Series on Maternal and Child Undernutrition
President Obama's grand climate plan does not add up
Climate change can no longer be ignored
NGO demands withdrawal of Niyamgiri gram sabha notificatio