This article published in the Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge documents the indigenous practices used by soybean farmers of Chindwara district, Madhya Pradesh, India.

The suitable agro-climate, plenty bee flora and immemorial practice with rich traditional knowledge offers enormous potential for development and success of apiculture in the state of Nagaland.

Ethnobiological study in West Bengal is mostly confined to the use of plants in Ethnomedicine, however, there is a dearth of ethnozoogical works; thus, there is an urgent need to take up such studies. Recent survey among the Mech tribe living in the Duars of West Bengal, India, has recorded the uses of 20 different species of animals along with 11 species of plants in traditional medicines to cure different ailments.

Monkey jack (Artocarpus gomenzianus Wall.ex Trecul) an underutilized edible and medicinal plant of Central Western Ghats has been studied for their distribution, harvesting, morphology and juice yield, processing, preservation and powder yield at various regions of Central Western Ghats. The fruits showed variation with respect to morphology, juice yield, powder yield, proximates and nutritive value and also elemental components. The comparative study with RDA value confirms the food supplements properties of monkey jack.

Guided by deeply held cultural values, First Nations in Canada are rapidly regaining legal authority to manage natural resources. We present a research collaboration among academics, tribal government, provincial and federal government, resource managers, conservation practitioners, and community leaders supporting First Nation resource authority and stewardship. First, we present results from a molecular genetics study of grizzly bears inhabiting an important conservation area within the territory of the Heiltsuk First Nation in coastal British Columbia.

The aim of this policy brief is to spread the word about forest and farm producer organizations and their increasing role in helping smallholders improve their economic and social well-being while managing their resources sustainably.

This 2014 edition of the State of World’s Forests report 2014 launched by FAO focuses on the role of socio-economic benefits provided by forests, including income and employment, wood energy and forest products in housing. It also focuses on the need to shift attention from trees to people, both for data collection and policy making.

Researchers are exploring unconventional sources of fresh water to quench the globe's growing thirst.

Forests and trees enhance and protect landscapes, ecosystems and production systems. They provide goods and services which are essential to the survival and well-being of all humanity.

Near Cochabamba in Bolivia’s Andean high plateau, a group of agroecological farmers are leading the way by developing and sharing innovative practices that help their communities break out of the vicious cycle of increased poverty and vulnerability. But challenges remain. Read this story published in Farming Matters, June 2014.
