Rain water use efficiency (RWUE) is the assessment of a rainfed cropping system’s capacity to convert water into plant biomass or grain. Comparison of RWUE of various crops grown under traditional tribal farming system and its performance in drought year will give an insight for prioritization of crops grown in rainfed tribal areas. A study was undertaken in a tribal watershed of Koraput district to prioritize the commonly grown crops based on RWUE and their comparative performance during water stress condition.

Effective wildlife conservation requires understanding and integration of cultural values and practices among communities within wildlife range areas. In Africa, elephants still roam outside protected areas and frequently interact with local people. Maasai-land in East Africa has a considerable elephant population, estimated to number 20,000 individuals, yet there is little understanding of the cultural values and perception of elephants among the Maasai people.

Conservation of natural resources has been an integral part of several indigenous communities in different parts of the world. Nature worship has been a key force in determining human attitudes towards conservation and sustainable utilization of biodiversity. Many traditional conservation practices are being followed by indigenous people around the world protecting trees, herbs, shrubs and small forest patches by dedicating them to the local deity or incorporating them with religious or associating them with evil spirits.

Indigenous Technical Knowledge has been the key rescuer of the fishers and common people of Dhemaji district of Assam, India from frequent floods in the region every year. They utilize the existing resources with a sustainable eco-friendly approach towards disaster management and exploration of fisheries resources and co-exist with the usual floods in the region. This study was conducted in the region through PRA after interviewing 110 fishers of three most flood-prone development blocks of the district with the help of an interview questionnaire.

Vegetation of Indian Thar region is ecologically important, though fragile. Any change in its composition and trait will ultimately impact the productivity and sustainability of the system and the region. This region has 682 species belonging to 352 genera and 87 families of flowering plants. Among them, Prosopis cineraria, locally called as Khejri or Jandi is an indigenous tree, which effectively stabilizes sand dunes and can withstand periodic burial. 

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Anthropologists and ecologists investigating the dialectical relationship between human environments and the cultural practices that shape and are shaped by them have been talking past each other for too long: the one looking purely at metaphor and the other purely at function. Our mixed-method data analysis set out to explore whether it was possible to determine empirically the human health and conservation value of the local Malagasy taboo system.

This paper documents the earth construction techniques used in Ota in order to preserve the earth construction heritage of the Ota people while checking the suitability of the earth materials used, using soil classification tests. Interviews of earth constructors in six villages in Ota were conducted to determine their material selection criteria, material processing and construction techniques.

While the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act 2001 is a progressive piece of legislation that recognises farmers' rights to seed, it demands payment of an annual maintenance fee by the farmers to protect the varieties which they have been cultivating and conserving for years, only because these varieties have been brought under legal protection through national legislation.

The mountains of Africa provide water and food, rich biodiversity, recreational areas

Adansonia digitata L. (Malvaceae) is commonly known as baobab tree native to Africa. Baobab is a multi-purpose tree which offers protection and provides food, clothing and medicine as well as raw material for many useful items. The fruit pulp, seeds, leaves, flowers, roots, and bark of baobab are edible and they have been studied by scientists for their useful properties. The fruit pulp have very high vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates, fibers, potassium, proteins and lipids content, which can be used in seasoning as an appetizer and also make juices.
