In view of increasing threat of climate change, extreme whether conditions, and recent financial crisis there has been a concern for augmenting agriculture and food supply to growing population, particularly to the rural areas. Fortunately the communities living near biodiversity rich areas depend on wide variety of plant resources for their survival; selected species have high potential for food supply in near future.

Transhumance system of livelihood of the Brokpa pastoral nomads inhabiting in the yak tracts of Arunachal Pradesh with special emphasis on climate change adaptation was assessed in the present study. A representative sample of the 240 Brokpa pastoral nomads from all the yak rearing tracts of Arunachal Pradesh was selected randomly. The Brokpa pastoral nomads mainly depend upon livestock, like yak, yak-cattle hybrid etc, rearing for their livelihood. They perceived that season cycle has been changed in lower and mid altitude.

Traditional architectural principles always respected nature, and was climate conscious, user-friendly, reflected the culture and tradition of the community at large and most important was contextual. Various parameters such as geographical location, climatic conditions, occupation, culture and tradition of the society/ community decide these principles in a specific set up and make the structures sustainable in all respect.

This publication has been developed as a handbook aimed at better understanding the intellectual property implications of the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity and the 2010 Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits arising from their Utilization.

Outcome document of the high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples - draft resolution submitted by the President of the General Assembly.

We identify policies that would provide a solid foundation in key international negotiations to ensure that primary forests persist into the 21st Century. A novel compilation of primary forest cover and other data revealed that protection of primary forests is a matter of global concern being equally distributed between developed and developing countries. Almost all (98%) of primary forest is found within 25 countries with around half in five developed ones (USA, Canada, Russia, Australia, and NZ).

A biodiversity survey carried out by the Centre for Environment Education (CEE) has documented and photographed 205 varieties of mangoes in the Western Ghats in Maharashtra.

The major aim of this review is to assess the nutrition transition in Uttrakhand toward, to its contribution to the emerging epidemic of chronic non-communicable diseases.

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The book is structured to cover a range of gender issues in various forest, trees and agroforest management areas from tree species identification to landuse decision-making.

Monkey jack (Artocarpus gomenzianus Wall.ex Trecul) an underutilized edible and medicinal plant of Central Western Ghats has been studied for their distribution, harvesting, morphology and juice yield, processing, preservation and powder yield at various regions of Central Western Ghats. The fruits showed variation with respect to morphology, juice yield, powder yield, proximates and nutritive value and also elemental components. The comparative study with RDA value confirms the food supplements properties of monkey jack.
