A British import to India

Joseph John

Agricultural scientists from ten states have embarked on a hunt to trace and isolate five harmful

Cobwebs, usually associated with poor hygiene in residential or business environment, are being viewed as a boon if found in paddy fields.

Besides eliminating crop pests, cobwebs trap vectors of pathogens that spread dreaded diseases in human beings and cattle.

However, reckless spray of pesticides on crops does not allow breeding of spiders in the fields.

Invasive weeds have become a major environmental concern at local, national, regional and global level. Very recently, the authors have noticed an exotic temperate weed in the Mussoorie hills i.e. Stevia ovata. It is spreading in moist, South-West hill slopes.

The experiment showed that noxious aquatic weeds like water hyacinth, water lettuce and cattail could be managed beneficially by converting easily in to good quality vermicompost within 2 to 3 month using Perionyx excavates earthworms. These composts recorded 0.71-1.36% total nitrogen, 0.38-0.75% total phosphorus and 0.86-1.44% total potassium, indicating its good quality as organic fertilizer.

Kapurthala: Executive Engineer, Drainage Department, Gurdial Singh today claimed here that weeds had been removed from Kali Bein especially areas of Kanjali wetland and Subhanpur. After the removal of weeds, water level has receded by several fee and flow of water was restored.

Chromolaena odorata (Eupatorium odoratum), commonly known as Eupatorium, is an introduced weed which became a menace in plantations, forests, marginal lands and open areas in the Western Ghats region of Karnataka. The weed calls for effective control by applying suitable methods.

Lantana camara Linn. is a noxious weed posing a serious threat to the ecology. It demands concrete efforts for its management. L. camara was evaluated for its pulp and paper making properties. Data on chemical constituents, fibre dimensions, unbleached, bleached yield and physical strength properties of pulp sheets were obtained.

After centuries of colonization and trade, South Africa is now home to alien species from Australia, Europe, Asia, and the Americas. As an antidote, a pioneering program called Working for Water (WfW) has cleared about 1 million hectares of invasive species in the past 15 years.

A small group of ecologists is looking beyond the pristine to study the scrubby, feral and untended. Emma Marris learns to appreciate 'novel ecosystems'.
