This white paper provides an overview of electric vehicle fast charging installed around the world and the lessons to be learned thus far. Review future-looking studies in the context of current deployments to interpret what the future might hold for the number of fast chargers needed going forward.

With her foot down to show off the acceleration of the zippy electric car, Joanna Edghill spins around the car park before plugging the vehicle into a charging point beneath rows of solar panels co

This working paper discusses the potential of zero-emission technologies to reduce emissions from non-road transport, including aviation, maritime, off-road, and rail.

Britain still plans to end the sale of new diesel and petrol cars by 2040 and will set out more detail as soon as this week, a government source told Reuters on Tuesday after a report suggested the

A new Oxford University collaboration has shed light on the damaging health consequences of Britain's car addiction – revealing that it is likely costing our NHS and society in general more than £6

In March, electric vehicles captured 37 percent of new car sales in Norway.

The government’s ambition to clean up motor vehicles by 2040 is not ambitious enough a leading energy expert says.

NAIROBI, March 14 (Xinhua) -- A senior UN official on Wednesday called on African governments to put policies and finances in place to start adopting electric vehicles to cut air pollution.

We previously wrote about an interesting project called the Lightyear One, a fully solar-powered electric car.

Ford Motor Co will significantly increase its planned investments in electric vehicles to $11bn by 2022 and have 40 hybrid and fully electric vehicles in its model line-up, the company’s chairman,
