If current trends are not checked, there will be more than 70 million babies born to teenage girls globally between now and 2030, a new report by Save the Children has found.
Subsidies that promote the use of fossil fuels are helping “to destroy the world”, and are a bad way to deploy taxpayers’ money, the head of the United Nations said on Tuesday.
At least nine miners died in Zimbabwe following blasts in a shaft north of the capital Harare where they were illegally digging for gold, police said on Tuesday.
The percentage of households connected to the country's main electricity supply increased to 84.7% in 2018, according to the General Household Survey released by Stats SA on Tuesday.
Activists accused Mineral Commodities and its South African subsidiary, Mineral Sands Resources, of using the court process to discourage activists from opposing the company’s plans to explore and
In developing countries, the agriculture sector absorbs 26 percent of the total economic damage and loss caused by climate-induced disasters, according to one recent FAO study .