This publication highlights the significance of the seed and new crop technologies. It captures the experiences of three key developments in Indian agriculture that sustained growth in agriculture, contributed to increased food production and the alleviation of poverty and hunger.

Measures to mitigate climate change are defined as any human (anthropogenic) intervention that can either reduce the sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (abatement) or enhance their sinks (sequestration).

This report proposes solutions for the cement industry which is responsible for 8% of global CO2 emissions. It describes a scenario in which the industry sector grows to more than twice its size in volume by 2050 while it reduces its absolute CO2 emissions by approximately three quarters compared to global emissions in 2007.

This report gives a clear picture of the key role that the ICT industry plays in addressing climate change globally and facilitating efficient and low carbon development.

This study describes a modeling methodology for using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools to identify potential areas for the introduction of supplemental irrigation.

This report contains monographs prepared at the sixty-eighth meeting of the Joint FAOM0 Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), which met in Geneva, Switzerland, from 19 to 28 June 2007.

This publication explores how megacities and rapidly growing cities are responding to the urban development challenges presented by climate change. It provides examples and case studies of successful initiatives highlighting the leadership required to tackle this global problem.

The document begins with a short overview on the impacts of degrading eco-systems on human well-being. How current energy consumption is contributing to this degradation is also addressed. The affect of climate change on ecosystem services

This toolkit facilitates systematic analysis of direct and indirect effects of development policy reforms on the natural environment and natural resources. It provides a framework and guidance for rapidly assessing environmental, forestry, and natural resource issues at the program concept design stage of the lending activity.

The method used to measure Human Development are reviewed in order to measure Human Development Index for rural AP by considering indicators such as economic attainment, longevity and education. Using UNDP method to estimate Human Development Index, which is predominantly normative approach to club different
