This study examines household behaviour related to fuelwood collection and use. The focus is on identifying the behavioral transition of fuelwood-using households from collection to purchase. The study examines the theory linking households

Chandigarh Administration has taken firm steps to control the projected deterioration in the environment of the city by initiating various environment friendly projects like establishment of Botanic Garden, green belts, parks and water-bodies. Administration has imposed a complete ban on the

The present study analyses the impact of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) on electricity prices, in particular on wholesale power markets across the EU. To study this impact, it uses a variety of methodological approaches, including theoretical, empirical, model, literature and policy analyses.

This document details the Arunachal Pradesh state mega hydro electric power policy 2008. It is aimed at developing hydropower projects in an eco-friendly manner and ensuring proper rehabilitation and resettlement of project affected people.

This report provides an overview of public finance mechanisms that mobilise and leverage commercial financing, build commercially sustainable markets, and increase capacity to deliver clean energy and other climate-mitigation technologies, projects and businesses.

Despite rapid income growth, South Asia has lagged behind the rest of Asia in reducing poverty and hunger. South Asia accounts for more than two-fifths of the world

The study,

This UN report adopts the concept of "harmonious cities" as a theoretical framework in order to understand today

The global economy is threatened with a deep and prolonged recession as a consequence of the financial meltdown that began with the housing price crisis in the United States.

The Ministry of Food Processing Industries, GOI, has declared 2008-09 as Food safety and Quality Year. Food safety implies absence or safe levels of various of kinds of contaminants. Sources of food contamination include harmful chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, preservatives, colouring agents, additives, adulterants etc.
