The objectives of the disaster management plan are: To provide effective support and resources to the individuals and

Antimicrobial resistance in pathogens causing important communicable diseases has become a matter of great public health concern globally including our country. Resistance has emerged even to newer, more potent antimicrobial agents like carbapenems.

Women in many countries use cosmetic products that lighten their skin, in pursuit of “fair-skinned beauty.” Some of the products may be harmless, but others contain potentially hazardous ingredients such as inorganic mercury compounds, hydroquinone, and steroids.

The history of development of natural resources in Afghanistan has been fraught with international intrigue for several centuries. At the present time a future in Afghanistan without a continuation of multinational competition does not look likely, although the stakes may seem to have increased.

Smog digest is a news service on vehicular pollution based on news clippings selected from leading Indian newspapers and newsmagazine. It also highlights the key developments from South Asian countries. The months witnessed lots of action and developments on the vehicular pollution front in India.

This citizen’s report looks upward from the city to harmonise, and align with the larger national goals while assessing the unique solutions the city needs.

As India has yet to build much of its projected urban transport infrastructure, this presents a challenge as well as an opportunity. The new investment if guided by the principles of sustainability can make a lot of difference. The question that India needs to ask is whether it will be able to see the turn around soon in its cities.

Ganesh Idols are immersed in water bodies which include rivers, lakes, ponds, wells etc. Consequent pollution of such water bodies has been a matter of concern. In addition to silting, toxic chemicals used in making idols tend to leach out and pose serious problems of water pollution.

Considering the role, impact, growth and contribution made by the city of Jalandhar to the economy, employment and productivity of the State of Punjab, the future growth and development strategy for Jalandhar needs to be viewed in the larger canvas of regional context.

Manual scavenging is manual removal of excreta (night soil) from “dry toilets”, i.e., toilets without the modern flush system. Manual scavenging involves the removal of human excreta using brooms and tin plates. The excreta are piled into baskets which scavengers carry on their heads to locations sometimes several kilometers from the latrines.
