This report on Canada forms part of a multi-country effort by the Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI) of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) to characterize and quantify government support for liquid biofuel production, distribution and consumption. An overview of ethanol and biodiesel, the main fuels evaluated in this report.

This white paper synthesizes existing scientific data on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to the production and expansion of biofuels. It is specifically focused towards assisting organizations that are developing sustainability standards for biofuels with the collection and interpretation of data.

Migration is part of human history; the concept of environmental migration however, is still controversially debated. While some scholars predict high numbers of people migrating due to climate and environmental changes, others still insist that there is not enough scientific evidence for the existence of the phenomenon of environmental migration at all.

In order to strengthen cooperation on and deepen analysis of issues related to sustainable development, the Swedish Government
has set up an advisory Commission on Sustainable Development.
The Commission serves as a forum for discussion, analysis and

Companies that will survive and thrive are those that quickly realign their corporate infrastructure to the expectation of a low carbon economy. This report offers guidance to companies to realign their climate change strategies to a low-carbon economy, anticipate and meet new market demands and make make long-term investment decisions that factor in climate risks.

A rapid transition towards a low-carbon economy is essential
to addressing the climate change challenge. The International
Energy Agency

Rising sea levels, shifting rainfall and other impacts of climate change present a huge risk to some of the world

The purpose of this study is to gain a more differentiated picture of the impact of the global financial crisis on the renewable energy sector by determining changes and trends in investment flows for renewable energy technologies and companies as the cost of capital rises and access to credit becomes more difficult.

This latest UNEP report systematically synthesises the close links between human well-being and ecosystem services through a number of rainwater harvesting cases. The cases are organised into thematic chapters addressing rainwater harvesting systems, their roles and their impacts.

Although integrated assessment models (IAM) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) consider
