This report showcases the new generation of innovative public transit already operating in a variety of communities across America. Through 11 case studies, demonstrate how cutting edge
transit has been implemented quickly and cost-effectively in a variety of settings from urban to rural. Expanding cost-effective transit options is key to nation

More and more cities around the world are developing dedicated Climate Action Plans to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions and improve the local air quality for their inhabitants. The transport sector usually plays a crucial role in any such strategy. In many cases, transportation is the primary source of CO2 and other GHGs, contributing up to 40 percent of the cities

The Bali Action Plan initiated a new round of negotiations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with the aim of achieving an

Decreased access to a safe, stable water supply in Asia "will have a profound impact on security throughout the region," warns a new Asia Society Leadership Group report.

UNIDO is a leading provider of services for improved industrial energy efficiency, enhanced use of renewable sources of energy and promotion of cleaner technologies. This report describes UNIDO

This case study is part of the ODI HPG research programme on the role of the affected state in humanitarian action and aims to describe the essential elements of approach to disaster management as seen in its response to the 2001 Gujarat earthquake and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. It also analyses policy trends in Disaster Management Act.

As national governments move toward negotiating the next international agreement on climate change, and states and regions across the United States work to meet already established state
greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets, what is the role of agriculture and food systems? According to several recent estimates, these sectors are significant contributors to global

The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) made important recommendations on how agriculture could mitigate GHG emissions. This report summarizes these recommendations and then compares them to scientific data from organic agriculture in order to assess the mitigation potential of organic farming.

The overall goal of this report and the accompanying report summarizing the findings and recommendations, both based on the economic and sector work (ESW), is to advance the understanding and integration in operational terms of environmental water allocation into integrated water resources management.

Despite the severity of the current financial and economic crisis, it cannot be allowed to distract us from addressing critical and strategic climate change and energy challenges. The energy sector produces 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions and so it must also be a key part of any strategy to reduce them.
