In view of awareness toward nature-friendly management of plant diseases, the need of integration and use of indigenous knowledge (IK) with modern biological control measures has been emphasized. In view of new insights being generated it is accentuated to reassess the system of sustainable plant disease management. One farmer-inspired indigenous practice of using raw cow milk as seed treatment has been experimentally validated integrating with Trichoderma spp. (the farmer-friendly fungus and biocontrol agent) at farmers' fields and at C. R.

Interactions between humans and larger carnivorous mammals have a long history in Asia and Africa. Some adaptable carnivores with wide ranges occur in landscapes with humans and their increasing interface with people sometimes resulting in conflicts. The Valparain plateau inthe Anamalai Hills of the Western Ghats, India has experienced human-leopard confict in the past.

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The very severe cyclonic storm Phailin, a category-5 hurricane, was developed over the north of Andaman and Nicobar Islands on 9 October 2013. Subsequently, it propagated towards north-northwest and made landfall at the Gopalpur coast, Odisha on 12 October. Chilika lagoon, the largest brackish water lagoon in Asia, is in close proximity to Gopalpur.

In January 2014, the New York Times published a news item indicating that the particulate air pollution in Delhi was higher than that in Beijing. Till that time Beijing was considered to be the most polluted city in Asia. This created a furore in Delhi and attempts were made to prove that the New York Times report was wrong. (Editorial)

Climate change likely to impact rainfall patterns leading to higher uncertainty and difficulties in management of both water scarcity and flood events. Temporal trends of rainfall and its variability of Karnal district, representing fresh groundwater zones of Haryana, were analysed by non-parametric zones of Mann-Kendall (MK) test and Sen's slope approaches.

Carbon sequestration has been suggested as a means to help mitigate the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. Silvipastoral systems can better sequester carbon in soil and biomass and help to improve soil conditions. In the present study, carbon sequestration was quanitified both in biomass and soil.

Millet is a general term for a wide range of cereals. Minor millets are a group of grassy plants with short slender culm and small grains possessing remarkable ability to survive under adverse conditions like limited rainfall, poor soil fertility and land terrain. Minor millets categorized as coarse cereals are staple food for the tribal people where cultivation of majjor cereals like rice, wheat and maize is either not popular or fail to produce substantial yield.

Bank filtration (BF) has emerged as an economical and sustainable water pre-treatment technology for drinking water supply. In this method, subsurface water of a water body moves into the well by seepage. BF wells adjacent to a river or lake pump the stored groundwater abstracted from the surface through aquifers. Chemical and biological contaminants such as turbidity, microbes, dissolved chemicals and natural organics are removed by the channel of aquifers present in the area.

The present study reports on a systematic procedure and maintenance plan for conducting dredging activity at the Kolkata port located in the Head Bay region, east coast of India. It is one of the oldest riverine ports in the country constructed by the British East India Company.

Biomass burning ia a major contributor to the atmospheric carbon budget and increases the concentration of many trace gases apart from the adverse effects on soil properties. However, in manyy parts of India, crop residue burning is a recurrent and widespread practice for disposal of the residues after harvest of the previous crop to facilitate sowing of the succeeding crop. The residue burning on a larger scale also leads to severe atmospheric pollution.

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