Today, the world produces enough to feed all seven billion of its inhabitants – but nearly a billion people still go without. This paper is about why this global scandal continues, and what can be done to solve it.

This report describes a new age of growing crisis: food price spikes and oil price hikes, devastating weather events, financial meltdowns, and global contagion. Behind each of these, slow-burn crises smoulder: creeping and insidious climate change, growing inequality, chronic hunger and vulnerability, the erosion of our natural resources.

The Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC) was founded in 2000 to challenge, through research, the apparent omission of almost a billion people from the 2015 poverty target of the Millennium Development Goals. The first decade of the 21st century has illustrated the power of economic growth and human development to bring large numbers out of poverty.

As financing for climate change adaptation in developing countries begins to flow, it is essential that the governance of funding at the global and country level be shaped so that the needs of the most vulnerable can be met. The core issue is country-level ownership of adaptation finance.

This document contains summary sheet of low carbon economy on Poverty reduction. Low carbon development can potentially contribute to poverty reduction by improving access to affordable clean energy by the poor and to sustainable agriculture.

This document contains summary sheet on energy systems in a low carbon economy. There is a significant opportunity for developing countries to leap-frog the carbon-intensive energy pathways of developed countries, thereby helping to mitigate the effects of climate change while generating multiple developmental co-benefits.

This document contains summary sheet on transport in a low carbon economy.

This document contains summary sheet on water and low carbon development. Water is vital for economic and social progress in developing nations, and the core natural resource for sustaining an ecological balance in human ecosystems. The low carbon economy could
overcome some barriers to achieving water security goals, but it could also challenge water security.

This document contains summary sheet of low carbon development and cities. Cities and urban areas contain most of the productive and consumptive activities that are contributing to climate change. Indeed, almost all growth, both demographic and economic, is now occurring in and around urban settlements.

This document contains summary sheet of low carbon development and fossil fuel subsidies. Inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies hinder economic growth and low carbon development as they encourage wasteful consumption, distort markets and impede investment in clean energy sources.
