Urgent action is required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

This step-by-step guide on the implementation of the Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management (CSDRM) approach is structured around the policy and programme management cycle of the approach.

Poor People's Energy Outlook 2012 examines the linkages between energy access and better opportunities for earning a living, while recognising that there are many barriers which must be overcome on the path from improved energy access to increased incomes.

Poor urban people in Bangladesh are already experiencing numerous climate-related problems because of their multiple forms of vulnerability and multiple sources of deprivation. Their problems differ greatly, both within and across settlements and cities, and so do the practices by which they are trying to tackle them.

This issue of insights is the result of a collaborative process involving experts working in policy, research and practice on gender and food security in four global regions.

The G20 is committed to supporting equitable and sustainable growth. But new data shows that a lot needs to change if they are to live up to this pledge.

This Strategy Brief identifies the role of ICTs within the climate change responses of rural agricultural communities in developing countries. It argues that ICTs can become strategic enablers of action to create awareness about, mitigate, monitor and adapt to climate change within these communities.

This report provide observations, projections and impacts of climate change on Bangladesh. This provide up to date science on how the climate has already changed and the potential consequences of future changes.

This report presents observations, projections, impacts of climate change on India. it provides up to date science on how the climate has already changed and the potential consequences of future changes.

The recent International Panel on Climate Change special report on extreme weather and climate change presented a stark warning: extreme weather events are already on the rise and failure to take urgent action to reduce emissions will likely lead to an increase in the intensity and frequency of such events in future.
