Read this Press Release on "GE, Alcoa, Johnson Controls, Ford and Intel named as leaders in clean-tech innovation and climate responsiveness – Maplecroft Climate Innovation Indexes" dated 23 April 2012.

This latest report published by the World Coal Association looks at how coal can bring energy access to millions and support economic growth in the developing world. It also provides recommendations necessary to deliver energy access for all.

In order to accelerate progress on undernutrition reduction we need to understand how the governance of nutrition programmes leads to successful outcomes.

The question of 'what changes do we need to empower women smallholders and achieve food security?' has been asked repeatedly.

This paper offers a new perspective on global poverty. It does so by estimating the distribution of poverty across countries, regions and income categories based on national poverty lines (NPLs).

This report examines the top 40 humanitarian recipient countries in the context of 'natural disasters', especially with regard to financing to reduce risk. It highlights how prevalent disasters are in these countries, and their particularly significant impact.

Anyone who has ever been sick—which I suppose includes everyone in the world—would have had firsthand experience of the callous ways of healthcare establishments. For the poor, healthcare is not available at most times.

This report examines the impact of environmental regulation within countries as well as regulatory distance between countries on international technology transfer.

Crop models demonstrate that food production is vulnerable to climate change in many regions through a combination of temperature change, water stress and extreme weather.

This report by Save the Children analyses the causes of malnutrition, focusing on chronic malnutrition and stunting in children. It warns that 300 children are dying of malnutrition each hour, totaling 2.6 million every year.
