Beyond its terrible toll in human lives and suffering, the Ebola epidemic has inflicted a measurable economic impact on West Africa in terms of forgone output, higher fiscal deficits, rising prices, lower real household incomes, and greater poverty.

The Urban Water Blueprint analyzes the state of water in more than 2,000 watersheds and 530 cities worldwide to provide science-based recommendations for natural infrastructure enhancements that can be integrated alongside traditional engineered solutions to improve water quality.

This first ever Global Nutrition Report with comprehensive narrative on levels of malnutrition across the world will be a centerpiece of the Second International Conference on Nutrition

The annual European Vehicle Market Statistics Pocketbook offers statistical portrait of passenger car and light commercial vehicle fleets in the European Union from 2001—and, beginning with the 2014 edition, of the heavy-duty fleet as well. The emphasis is on vehicle technologies, fuel consumption, and emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants.

More than 3.5 million South Africans are lifted out of poverty through fiscal policy, which taxes the richer in society and redirects resources to raise the income of the poor through social spending programs, according to a recently released World Bank Group (WBG) report.

This shows why empowering women is vital to ending hunger and poverty. Women are the primary agents the world relies on to fight hunger. In developing countries, most women work in subsistence farming - the backbone of local food security. Women the world over feed and nourish their children.

This Haiti Sustainable Energy Roadmap—developed in partnership with Haiti’s Bureau of the Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister for Energy Security—explores the issues involved in building a sustainable electricity system based on domestic energy resources and capable of providing modern electricity services to all Haitians.

This report has been prepared in response to growing concerns about the impacts of climate change on Latin American economies, agriculture, and people.

Climate change and climate policies will affect poverty reduction efforts through direct and immediate impacts on the poor and by affecting factors that condition poverty reduction, such as economic growth.

Based on forecasts of global population growth, food security will remain an important economic development issue over the next several decades. Real food prices have risen in recent years after decades of decline, bringing the issue of food security even further into the public spotlight.
