Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) used in mobile air conditioning (MAC) and refrigeration equipment are an important contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from motor vehicles. Estimates of emissions in China from the MAC refrigerant HFC-134a, conducted by Peking University, shows that they exceed 20 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year .

This study reviews recent literature on current and projected battery-electric and hydrogen fuel cell tractor truck costs. In the available literature, battery-electric tractor truck up-front costs range from about $200,000 to $800,000, and generally costs increase with increased driving range as a function of total battery capacity.

Promotion of zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) technologies is a key global strategy for decarbonizing the transport sector and helping to achieve long-term climate goals. ZEV sales are increasing rapidly in the world’s leading passenger vehicle markets, including China and many of the countries represented in the ZEV Transition Council (ZEVTC).

India’s National Hydrogen Mission, launched in August 2021, seeks to scale up renewable electrolysis hydrogen (“green” hydrogen) production and use it in multiple sectors, including transportation. This is encouraging, as green hydrogen offers significant decarbonization potential.

Tax policy can be designed to spur both the deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) and improvements in the fuel efficiency of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.

This paper presents a total cost of ownership assessment of battery-electric Class 2b and 3 commercial vehicles between 2020 and 2040 benchmarked against the corresponding costs of gasoline and diesel powertrains.

In-service conformity (ISC) tests for heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) are being introduced for the first time in India with the Bharat Stage (BS) VI regulation. Such tests are meant to make manufacturers more accountable for in-use emissions and to bridge the gap between lab-based emissions and real-world emissions.

In April of 2020, the Indian government introduced its Bharat Stage VI (BS VI) emissions standards for all new sales of automobiles, which replaced the Bharat Stage IV (BS IV) norms.

Recent studies show that plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) show a large gap between real-world and official type-approval CO2 emissions.

This is the latest in a series of studies assessing how manufacturer groups are performing with respect to India’s fuel consumption standards, which are slated to become more stringent in fiscal year (FY) 2022–23. This study also compares the technology included in best-in-class vehicles in Europe and India.
