This research focuses on an emissions control strategy for the Metrobus fleet in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Cars, vans, buses, and trucks account for 21% of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Under currently adopted policies, fleetwide CO2 emissions are projected to continue rising through 2050. Transitioning the global vehicle fleet to zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) technologies is crucial to decarbonizing road transport and meeting climate goals.

This study presents current (2020) waste and residue feedstock availability in the European Union and the United Kingdom and provides projections for 2030 and 2050. The study considers the availability of agricultural residues, forestry residues, and biogenic waste.

This paper evaluates if electric two-wheelers in India with the battery-swapping option have achieved cost parity relative to electric two-wheelers with the point charging option and with conventional gasoline two-wheelers.

This briefing provides an update on electric vehicle market and policy developments globally through 2020, with a focus on changes since previous update in 2019.

China has pledged to reach a peak in the nation’s economy-wide CO2 emissions by 2030 and to reach carbon neutrality by 2060. This study uses cutting-edge emission modeling tools to assess the potential for reducing climate pollutants from advanced policy packages compared with currently adopted policies for China’s transportation sector.

This strategy document examines the ongoing efforts to promote electromobility in Indonesia, identifies key stakeholders relevant to electric vehicle (EV) issues, and identifies synergies among existing EV initiatives nationwide, as well as policy gaps in the effort to accelerate EV uptake in Indonesia.

China’s southernmost province, Hainan, is in the process of becoming the largest Free Trade Port (FTP) in the world. This tropical island province has made environmental improvement its highest priority as it pursues development of the FTP.

The recently published heavy-duty vehicle certification data from the European Union are a valuable source of information to assess the values of the CO2 standards baseline, track the progress of truck manufacturers towards their reduction targets, and understand the various technology pathways chosen by manufacturers to decarbonize their fleets

The gap between real-world fuel consumption and emissions of carbon dioxide from light-duty vehicles (LDV), and their laboratory values, is increasingly apparent around the world, including in China. ICCT has been tracking the gap between real-world and type-approval fuel consumption of LDVs since 2017.
