Climate change is a reality that is already affecting the lives of millions of Africans and will have a profound impact on the programming of public expenditures and public receipts in every African country.

Traditional hazards such as poor sanitation currently account for most of Africa

The challenges facing Africa to fight climate change are enormous and costs are huge though hard to quantify, South Africa's environment minister said on Friday.

Minister Buyelwa Sonjica said her peers from more than 30 African countries, meeting in Nairobi, had agreed a joint position on climate change, to be presented at negotiations in Copenhagen this December.

Traditional hazards such as poor sanitation currently account for most of Africa

The researchers tested fecal samples from 150 healthy children 2

Many current global policies propose that farmers can get out of poverty by being (better) linked to markets. Government and NGO programmes thus often promote cheap agricultural input supplies, and support farmers to sell their products through

Honey production is frequently promoted as a pro-poor income generation activity as it is accessible to many members of a rural community, has low start-up costs and requires little land or labour. But while apiculture (beekeeping) presents an opportunity for many African farmers, the potential to create a significant livelihood from selling honey often remains out of reach.

This publication reviews changes in global forest cover and root causes of forest loss, including weak forest governance particularly in public-owned forests. It also highlights innovative practices in conserving forests and securing livelihoods of forest-dependent communities.

With more than 3.5 million animals, Ethiopia has the largest cattle population in Africa. Milk production, however, is very low, and its per capita consumption is lower than the African or the world

This publication reports on the human and economic losses caused by natural disasters in 2008 with figures based on the EM-DAT database with comparisons to previous years. It asserts that although fewer disasters occurred in 2008, events had a larger impact than usual on human settlements. In 2008 once again, large numbers of persons were affected by a few natural disasters.
