Human-induced eutrophication, or nutrient overenrichment, is a rapidly growing environmental crisis in freshwater and marine systems worldwide. Nutrients that cause eutrophication include nitrogen and phosphorus.

Climate change impacts such as more frequent and severe floods and droughts will affect the food and water security of many people. The impact of climate change on aquatic ecosystems, fisheries and aquaculture, however, is not as well known.

The Code of practice for fish and fishery products is intended for all those engaged in the handling, production, storage, distribution, export, import and sale of fish and fishery products. The Code will help in attaining safe and wholesome products that can be sold on national or international markets and meet the requirements of the Codex Standards.

Soil salinity and falling global prices push farmers to agriculture An increasing number of shrimp farmers in Bangladesh are going back to paddy farming. They don

Reefs built in cooler waters by oysters and other shellfish are the world's most imperilled marine habitats, according to a report.

Pollution caused by feed not eaten is a major concern for shrimp farmers. Madhusoodana Kurup, professor at Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala, used a technology to convert these leftovers into protein-rich feed. Sumana Narayanan understands how this benefits farmers On why left-over feed is a problem For healthy growth, shrimp need 45 per cent protein in their feed.

K J Francis Joy

PARAVOOR: The mussel farming in Moothakunnam backwaters under the technical advice of Molluskan Fisheries Division of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) proved highly remunerative when the Kudumbasree units harvested them on Tuesday.

There has been growing concern over conversion of coastal rice paddies to shrimp farms. This study estimates the external cost of shrimp-induced salinity on crop production by comparing two villages in southern India: Poovam, which is affected by salinity, with Thiruvettakudy, which is not.

KOCHI: Shrimp farming is a means of livelihood for thousands of Keralites residing along the state

Production of organic rice is a necessity of the present era. Hence, development of high-yielding rice varieties, suitable for a salinity stress area which is naturally an organic production system like the
