Contrasting lessons from Germany's 20-year pursuit of solar and wind power shows how other countries might create industrial champions to develop new energy technologies.

This report provides a concise overview of the key goals and priorities of eighteen of the most promising and innovative large-scale post carbon economy transition plans and strategies, from both government and non-government sources.

This study presents data from the ten countries which together account for more than 85% of the world’s CO2 emissions from coal‐fired power generation and discusses the percentage of that population of plants that could be particularly attractive for considering CCS retrofit.

The British government on Friday called for proposals to build at least one carbon-capture and storage (CCS) power plant in the European Union's official journal, one step short of launching its of

This project, which is the first of three within the partnership programme between the business leaders’ initiative 3C (Combat Climate Change) and the Stockholm Environment Institute, has researched the development and deployment of two technologies that could play key roles in supplying electricity for a low carbon society: solar photovoltaics

The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Accounting Framework for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Projects—CCS Accounting Framework—provides methods to calculate emissions reductions associated with capturing, transporting, and safely and permanently storing carbon dioxide (CO2) in geologic formations.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is vital to reduce CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, potentially providing 20% of the needed reductions in global emissions. Research and demonstration projects are important to increase scientific understanding of CCS, and making processes and results widely available helps to reduce public concerns, which may otherwise block this technology. The Otway Project has provided verification of the underlying science of CO2 storage in a depleted gas field, and shows that the support of all stakeholders can be earned and retained.

The EU’s climate change goals are closely linked to plans for catalyzing economic growth through new, green initiatives. Investing in the green technologies that cut emissions will also create jobs and boost the economy.

Successful deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) is critically dependent on comprehensive policy support. While policy plays an important role in the deployment of many low-carbon technologies, it is especially crucial for CCS.

European politicians are expected on Tuesday to vote through an amendment that could pave the way for direct intervention in the EU carbon market, which has sunk to record lows.
