German ministers have agreed on guidelines for the introduction of technology that prevents the release of carbon dioxide from power stations.

The draft legislation sets out a regulatory and technical framework for trial carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects, providing utilities with much-needed planning and investment guidelines, while setting environmental and public safety rules.

Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases can be reduced significantly using existing technologies, but stabilizing concentrations will require a technological revolution because it will require fundamental change, achieved within a relatively short period of time.

Could reviving the ancient technique of charcoal making really solve the global food crisis, halt deforestation and lock up carbon dioxide for good? Chris Goodall sifts fact from myth on biochar.

Companies that will survive and thrive are those that quickly realign their corporate infrastructure to the expectation of a low carbon economy. This report offers guidance to companies to realign their climate change strategies to a low-carbon economy, anticipate and meet new market demands and make make long-term investment decisions that factor in climate risks.

A rapid transition towards a low-carbon economy is essential
to addressing the climate change challenge. The International
Energy Agency

Insurers have more incentives than any other industry to catalyze global action on climate change.This latest Ceres report outlines the insurance industry

This Act may be cited as the

Environment finds a place in Obama

MADRID: El Bierzo, a mountainous region in Spain's northwest, is undergoing a remarkable makeover financed by the government, the European Union and private industry. Once the center of a major coal mining industry, and still sitting on some of the country's biggest reserves, the region went into economic decline, with mass unemployment, when the industry collapsed in the late 1980s.

Around the world, a massive injection of cash is being prepared by governments desperately trying to resolve the financial crisis and prevent the recession turning into something worse.
