The 2015 Agricultural Finance Yearbook, which is the eighth edition in the series, analyses the challenges faced by farmers and those involved in providing finance at both the overall sectoral

The use of irrigation in the agricultural sector, when combined appropriately with other inputs, has been key to increasing the productivity of agricultural production around the world - a vital factor in helping governments to manage the growing demand for food caused by demographic pressures and changing dietary habits.

The use of irrigation in the agricultural sector, when combined appropriately with other inputs, has been key to increasing the productivity of agricultural production around the world - a vital factor in helping governments to manage the growing demand for food caused by demographic pressures and changing dietary habits.

Small farmers' participation in global value chains is of prime importance for inclusive agricultural development in developing countries like India. However, the issue of inclusiveness of modern arrangements like contract farming and the determinants of participation in such arrangements is understudied in such contexts. This paper examines the issue of small farmers' participation in contract farming arrangements in Punjab, where farming is dominated by medium and relatively large farms.

The paddy-wheat monoculture induced a decelerating agricultural trend in Punjab which has been felt in the form of stagnation in output, deteriorating productivity, environmental degradation, declining farm incomes, depeasantization and suicides by farmers.

This compendium is released on the target year of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). While there has been remarkable progress on the MDGs, such as halving the

The weekly digest of important reports, research, policy documents, regulations, studies, court cases, protests, conflicts, initiatives, photos, data, statistics, infographics, presentations on the India Environment Portal, 14 - 20 September 2014.

The changing structure of agricultural trade in a globalizing world has become an integral part of effective rural development. In this context, contract farming has emerged as a promising rural development strategy that has gained momentum in the region, providing technical training, production inputs, and market linkages to smallholders.

We take care of the cow and the cow takes care of us,” says Marayal, a farmer in Thalavady, Tamil Nadu. Her two cows produce 6 to 10 litres of milk a day, which she sells for 30-40 cents per litre. Across India, there are millions of backyard dairy farmers like Marayal.

The land rush in the last five years has raised the need to monitor and build country case studies on global land grabs to expose the nature of the phenomenon.
