>> Governments of Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast have announced a joint health programme to tackle a meningitis epidemic, which has gripped the bordering area of the two countries. By the second week

The WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2008 documents the extent of the epidemic, details how MPOWER will reverse it and assesses the current status of global tobacco control.

The State of the World’s Children 2008 assesses the state of child survival and primary health care for mothers, newborns and children today. These issues serve as sensitive barometers of a country’s development and wellbeing and as evidence of its priorities and values. Investing in the health of children and their mothers is a human rights imperative and one of the surest ways for a country to set its course towards a better future.

This report is the product of an international research and public policy initiative to give an overview of what is known of biological effects that occur at low-intensity EMFs exposures (for both radiofrequency radiation RF and power-frequency ELF, and various forms of combined exposures that are now known to be bioactive).

Avian malaria killed two rare Humboldt penguins at the Sedgwick County Zoo in the us. Pathology tests on the penguins confirmed the cause of death, which occurred just days after the new exhibit

There is a logic to the idea of neglected diseases. Historically the diseases poor people get largely in the poorer parts of the world haven t got enough attention from policy makers in national governments and multilateral agencies precisely because they

British beekeepers have been confronted by a mysterious disease that has already affected the us and many European countries. Known as colony collapse disorder (ccd), it is possibly the most serious

mobile friendly: Researchers have found no link between mobile phone use and cancer. They used mobile-phone companies' records to gauge phone usage. They tracked subjects for an average of 8.5

This report examines the progress that has been made to improving America’s ability to respond to health threats and help identify ongoing areas of vulnerability.

The endangered Nukak-Mak
