Mapping a Better Future: How Spatial Analysis can Benefit Wetlands and Reduce Poverty in Uganda represents an exciting
step forward in both combating poverty and protecting

In light of the impact invasive alien species have, the Convention on Biological Diversity recognizes the importance of preventing the introduction of, and controlling or eradicating alien species which threaten ecosystems, habitats and native species. This brochure highlights the threat invasive alien species pose to biodiversity and what each of us can do to tackle the problem.

This WHO report formulates a series of recommendations on the most important directions for future work in this field, and how this should be integrated with related areas of public health and climate research.

This is the first biennial global assessment of disaster risk reduction prepared in the context of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. It focuses on the nexus between disaster risk and poverty, in a context of global climate change.

A Kenyan and a Tanzanian pleaded guilty on Monday to illegal possession of ivory after being caught with hundreds of kilos of elephant tusks in one of east Africa's biggest seizures for years.

The two men were driving a car loaded with 512 kg (1,129 lbs) of tusks when they were arrested in Kenya on Saturday, 50 km (30 miles) from the Tanzanian border.

Bindu Shajan Perappadan

NEW DELHI: A first-ever citizens

This paper analyses the terrestrial carbon balance of China during the 1980s and 1990s using biomass and soil carbon inventories extrapolated by satellite greenness measurements, ecosystem models and atmospheric inversions.

Forests that today soak up a quarter of carbon pollution spewed into the atmosphere could soon become a net source of CO2 if Earth

The US Environmental Protection Agency said on Friday six emissions of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, are a danger to public health and welfare. Here are excerpts from the EPA's so-called endangerment finding, which opens the way for possible regulation of climate-warming pollution.

In what could be a historic moment in the struggle against climate change, the Environmental Protection Agency on Friday confirmed what most people have long suspected but had never been declared as a matter of federal law: carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases constitute a danger to public health and welfare.
