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Low-carbon fuel standards (LCFS), which regulate the carbon intensity of fuels supplied to transportation, can provide long-term, durable funding for EV infrastructure and EV purchasing incentives as other policies such as rebates expire or are phased-down.

This technical note details the methodology behind the Electric Vehicles on the Grid Simulator. This tool is intended to help individual building energy managers, facility owners, distribution service operators, charging point operators, and fleet operators.

GFEI’s new Global Status Report calls for ambitious policies for a rapid transition to electric vehicles to achieve the Paris Climate Agreement. Launched at En Route to COP26, marking a year before the Glasgow climate negotiations, the report sets out the current state of global policies to promote efficient and electric vehicles globally.

Non-exhaust emissions of particulate matter constitute a little-known but rising share of emissions from road traffic and have significant negative impacts on public health. This report synthesizes the current state of knowledge about the nature, causes, and consequences of non-exhaust particulate emissions.

This paper presents a methodology that measures the benefits of co-control evaluation on mitigating local air pollutants (LAP) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

The study assesses segment-wise electric vehicle (EV) sales, battery requirements, public charging infrastructure necessary, and the investments needed until 2030 to support India’s EV transition. In addition to the 2030 target, the study models three transition scenarios.

Heavy-duty trucks are the main source of pollution and noise from urban freight. Electrifying these fleets brings substantial benefits to cities and the freight companies while advancing the transition to clean transport. Moving to electric fleets at an affordable price is possible today, if logistics operators understand the associated costs.

This study assesses targets for charging infrastructure at the borough level up to 2035, complementing the Delivery Plan created by the Mayor of London’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Taskforce.

To keep the window open to limit global warming to 1.5 C, countries need to accelerate transformation towards a net-zero emissions future across all sectors at a far faster pace than recent trends, according to this report from World Resources Institute and ClimateWorks Foundation, with input from Climate Action Tracker.

This report, supported by Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, explores the impact of India’s electric vehicle transition on India’s economic recovery.
