Globalization and technological revolutions are making the world more interconnected. International trade is one of the major approaches linking the world. Since the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan shocked the global supply chain, more attention has been paid to the global impact of large-scale disasters. China is the second largest trader in the world and faces the most frequent natural disasters.

New Delhi, March 23: A consortium of industry and government experts has launched an agency to grant domestic certification of forests that will help forest products from India bound for export mar

The report contains major market development trends, policy development in China in the year 2014. It also contains information about wind OEM and developers, as well as provincial/regional breakdown of the wind development.

The world food crisis in 2008 highlighted the susceptibility of the global food system to price shocks. Here we use annual staple food production and trade data from 1992–2009 to analyse the changing properties of the global food system. Over the 18 year study period, we show that the global food system is relatively homogeneous (85% of countries have low or marginal food self-sufficiency) and increases in complexity, with the number of global wheat and rice trade connections doubling and trade flows increasing by 42 and 90%, respectively.

Mining firms from Goa are awaiting reinstatement of environment clearances to resume work at their closed mines in the state, company officials said.

Through a detailed analysis of the FAO database, we have constructed a generalized representation of the nitrogen transfers characterizing the current agro-food system (GRAFS) of 12 macro-regions of the world in terms of functional relationships between crop farming, livestock breeding and human nutrition.

COMMUNITIES in Kilwa District have earned 200,000 US dollars (361.5m/-) from timber exports to Europe in the past ten years.

The EU Tuesday decided to lift a seven-month-long ban on the import of mangoes from India after the world’s biggest producer made significant improvements in plant health controls and certification

Global production of all major wood products continued to show steady growth in 2013 for the fourth consecutive year, according to new data published by FAO.

This statistics incorporates provisional information regarding coal, coal products & lignite of the preceding financial year along with past few years on reserve, production, despatches, pit-head closing stock, import and export of coal etc. It also contains information regarding captive blocks.
