The European Union will impose a limit on the use of crop-based biofuels over fears they are less climate-friendly than initially thought and compete with food production, draft EU legislation seen

The European Commission is finalizing a new proposal for amendments to Europe’s Fuel Quality and Renewable Energy Directives that will address indirect land use change (ILUC) and limit support for food-based biofuels.

An assessment of the engine technology changes and after-treatment systems being employed by Indian manufacturers of two and three-wheelers to meet Bharat Stage III norms for a range of fuels , followed by an assessment of the technical options available to reduce emissions to meet the proposed Euro 4/5/6 equivalent limit values in the respective years of their likely implementation in India.

The umpteenth efforts taken up by the Delhi Government in making the city pollution free have come to a nought as the air in national Capital is fast becoming poisonous with the increasing level of

Tough new limits on the maximum sulphur content of shipping fuels will come into effect in Europe at the end of the decade, after EU governments agreed on draft legislation on Wednesday.

National environmental programmes have been seeing no progress since the devolution of the Ministry of Environment two years ago.

After a decade of promise, advanced biofuels makers are entering a crucial make-or-break period with the first of a new generation of production facilities about to come on line.

Senior European Union officials failed on Wednesday to agree on how to measure the full climate impact of biofuels, prolonging uncertainty in a debate that threatens to wipe out large parts of Euro

In short, India stands to gain much more by implementing lower sulphur fuels in tandem with other vehicular emission control measures. In particular, these benefits will stem from adopting a “one country, one fuel, one regulation” policy and reducing fuel sulphur levels to be on par with international best practices.

Proposed EU law requiring fuel suppliers to report the carbon intensity of their product, and which also rank oil from tar sands as particularly polluting, would only cost vehicle drivers around on
