In January 2013, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG) created an expert committee on “Auto Fuel Vision and Policy—2025”, charged with establishing a roadmap for fuel quality and vehicle emission standards through 2025.

The Government’s clean fuel programme or Bharat Stage-IV norms that came into effect from April 1, 2010 is still facing problems.

Govt committee to suggest guidelines and prepare new 2025 standards

EMBARQ’s Sustainable Urban Transportation Fuels and Vehicles (SUTFV) program aims to take an unbiased approach to analyzing the impacts of different fuels and technologies for bus transit fleets.

Investing in ultra-low-sulfur fuel (ULSF, fuels with less than 10 ppm sulfur content) and clean vehicle technologies in India will not come without costs. But the benefits of these investments, in terms of reduced healthcare costs and higher productivity, far outweigh the costs. This paper discusses these issues in detail.

CSE has welcomed the SC proposal to tax diesel cars in Delhi. The proposal mooted in the court by amicus curae Harish Salve is based on report from Environment Pollution (Prevention & Control) Authority.

Losing after winning is the worst feeling possible. This is how I feel looking out of my window at a thick pall of black smog engulfing my city. It was this time of the year, exactly 15 years ago, when CSE began its right-to-clean-air campaign

The European Commission is finalizing a new proposal for amendments to Europe’s Fuel Quality and renewable Energy Directives that will address indirect land use change (ILUC) and limit support for food-based biofuels.

Note on dieselization of cars and action plan: a brief summary of Supreme Court directives on toxicity of diesel and growing scientific evidence on health impacts of this fuel.

Study of refining capability requirements, corresponding capital investment requirements, and per-liter refining costs to transition to ultra-low sulfur gasoline and diesel fuel in India, Mexico, Brazil and China.
