the Chhattisgarh government is planning to ban gutka (chewing tobacco) from January next year. Though talks of banning the flavoured chewing tobacco have been going on for the past two years,

Ethnobotanist and director-general of Amity Foundation's Institute of Biotechnology at Thiruvananthapuram, Palpu Pushpangadan, tells P R J Pradeep that India can learn a lot from China about making

the Union ministry of health and family welfare has given the go-ahead for including an expensive vaccine into the country's immunisation programme despite the absence of scientific data. A meeting

Pharmaceutical giants Merck and GlaxoSmithKline have developed two vaccines that they promise will eradicate cervical cancer. Soon after the companies announced their products in mid-2006, public

"There is no good reason why a switch from tobacco products to less harmful nicotine delivery systems should not be encouraged.' So stated a 1991 Lancet Editorial, yet 16 years later cigarettes continue to dominate the nicotine-delivery system market, despite their clear health risks. (Editorial) Oct 6-12, 2007

Images highlighting the dangers of smoking will be printed on all tobacco products sold in the uk by the end of 2009, under regulations being planned. Manufacturers will have to start complying from

The Brazilian government recently reached an agreement with the producers of the HIV/AIDS drug Kaletra to reduce its price by 29.5 per cent. Following the deal, Thailand has also demanded higher

Never before in human history has food chemistry been so precarious for the health of billions. This stems from multinational

pakistan floods

the World Health Organization (who) along with its Stop tb partnership programme, announced on June 22 guidelines to curb two forms of tuberculosis
