Extreme cold and heat waves, characterized by a number of cold or hot days in succession, place a strain on people's cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The increase in deaths due to these waves may be greater than that predicted by extreme temperatures alone.

he ICT sector, one of the biggest guzzlers of energy and commercial space in India, has a huge role to play in helping India meet the goals of climate change, says a new report.

The recent International Panel on Climate Change special report on extreme weather and climate change presented a stark warning: extreme weather events are already on the rise and failure to take urgent action to reduce emissions will likely lead to an increase in the intensity and frequency of such events in future.

An increase in heat waves is almost certain, while heavier rainfall, more floods, stronger cyclones, landslides and more intense droughts are likely across the globe this century as the Earth's cli

At least some of the weather extremes being seen around the world are consequences of human-induced climate change and can be expected to worsen in coming decades, a United Nations panel reported o

When extreme weather strikes, somebody, somewhere always asks about a link to climate change. It's time we gave straight answers.

A claim that global warming caused the 2010 Russian heatwave could bring closer the day when climate victims can sue oil firms.

More than 710,000 people died as a direct consequence of 14,000 extreme weather events, and losses of more than USD 2.3 trillion occurred from 1991 to 2010 globally reveals the Global Cimate Risk Index 2012.

Climate change scenarios suggest an increase in tropical ocean temperature by 1–3°C by 2099, potentially killing many coral reefs. But Arabian/Persian Gulf corals already exist in this future thermal environment predicted for most tropical reefs and survived severe bleaching in 2010, one of the hottest years on record. Exposure to 33–35°C was on average twice as long as in non-bleaching years. Gulf corals bleached after exposure to temperatures above 34°C for a total of 8 weeks of which 3 weeks were above 35°C.

The heat wave that has roasted Texas like a convection oven this summer set a record Tuesday as the temperature here hit 100 degrees for an unprecedented 70th day.
