If an influenza pandemic is declared, investigations by New Scientist suggest that global preparedness for a pandemic is extremely patchy.

On 27 April, 6 days after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) first reported an unusual swine flu outbreak in humans, international agencies were still struggling to determine how serious a threat the virus posed.

This WHO annual health report looks at 100 statistics provided by 193 member countries. This year it provides the first assessment of MDGs progress and reveals that deaths of children aged under five years have dropped by 27% globally since 1990.

The health and humanitarian dimensions of climate change are among the ultimate justifications for taking action on climate change and these are closely interlinked. Humanitarian assistance provides a strong health imperative to save lives and alleviate the suffering of crisis affected populations. Climate

A vaccine that protects babies against fatal bacterial infections was introduced in Rwanda last week, its first distribution in a third world country.

The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine has been sold under the Prevnar brand name in the United States since 2000, and Rwanda will get three million doses

Agriculture has fueled the eruption of human civilization. Efficiently raised, affordable crops and livestock feed our growing population, and hunger has largely been banished from the developed world as a result. Yet there are reasons to believe that we are beginning to lose control of our great agricultural machine.

The most common and accepted method of fumigation is to produce fumes using formaldehyde along with potassium permanganate. The formaldehyde cause sulphydryl poisoning, protein aggregation and cancer inducing nature due to protein cross linkage. Indians follow the practice, Homam

Allergic manifestations such as rhinitis, asthma and eczema are increasing all over the world and more steeply in western industrialized countries during the last few decades. The underlying causes are poorly understood. Genetic factors are unlikely to explain the increased prevalence of allergic diseases as genetic shift in the population cannot occur in such a short duration.

Disturbed soils spread harmful bacteria IN THE last 20 years, the rural areas of Australia

The potential impact of climate change was highlighted at the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference (Dec 3
